Thursday, June 7, 2012

BRPCG Minutes: January 2012

BRPCG Minutes January 14, 2012
Welcome old and new faces! Happy New Year!
Web site: We decided to create updated static web site that would only need changing once a year. Teresa has friend who can create.

It will include links to:
Yahoo Group
Facebook Page
The main web site will contain basic BRPCG info – Library rules, directions, etc.
Dues are now being collected by Barb D. $25 per year.
Barb is communicating personally with people who asked for addresses for sending in dues.
We asked Kay to do a class on silkscreening on polymer clay. Sounds like a must-see!
Other ideas for instructors or classes are welcome. Who would we like to present a workshop this year?
Maggie is doing her Mermaid demo today.
Amy has photos to create our t-shirts and plans to have a mock-up by next meeting.
Sharon would like ideas for what demos we would like to see this year. Some suggestions were:
  • Canes – leaves and flowers.
  • Butterfly cane: – Maggie, Sharon or Tonya.
  • Lathe turning.
  • Pardo translucent – sea glass - Julie.
  • Metal clay class from Marilyn.
  • Your ideas – (yes YOU!!) Tell us what you want to learn or teach.
Maybe if we get a good list going, Sharon can give us a calendar of what to expect each month so we can all be bursting with enthusiasm?
Congrats to Marilyn for her entry in progress and possibilities. She would be glad to teach a metal clay class and also recommends Heather Jacobson as a wealth of Metal clay resources.
Library: Reminder- If you can't return a library item, you must be responsible for mailing it back. To date we have not had to collect deposits for DVDs, but will need to if we continue to have problems.
We are looking for our copy of the Lindly Haunani/ Maggie Maggie color book. If you happen to have that at home, please return so others may enjoy?
Lots of folks participated in the mini food swap. The creations were so yummy we were tempted to bite into them.
We had a really big crowd for the first week of the year –over 20 people!!
Amy had nothing to show but herself, which was pretty great to see. She has recovered from her October car accident and has new mini van. We are so happy to see evidence of what a survivor she is.
Teresa got carried away with making a mini food cake, and never got around to making mini foods to swap. We can't wait to see the cake. Maybe next month?
Kay is working on embellishments for her pieces. She is incorporating ideas from Victorian tremblers.
Bridget brought mini corn on the cob and showed off the new hip she got herself for Christmas.
Kathy brought some of the beautiful bezels she has made with resin. She seems to have effortlessly mastered the technique.
Maggie has been working on dragons & faeries & things. She brought an entire display case of her finished work.
Tonya had a breakfast theme with her mini food. She also has a new sexy red Roma pasta machine from Kitchen and Company. She gave it very good reviews. We're all watching to see how it works out in the long run. It is an affordable option with a motor incorporated.
Marilyn has been doing hollow beads, alcohol inks, faux jade, pmc, fortune cookies and Lord knows what else?
Barb created an incredible steam punk shadow box. She finished up her chocolate chip cookie earrings and made a Stroppel can embellishment for a set of candlesticks. Her mini food was blueberry muffins.
Debbie is new to our guild - Welcome.
Sharon – did glass lampworking for holidays. Made bread, salads, tacos, pancakes, lots more mini food. Yes, Sharon, we know you are the master pastry chef. Now you have permanent samples to prove it.
Julie attended Clay Carnival in Vegas and brought back the incredible projects she made there. She also brought some pieces from her grandmother cane. And when do you paint it? She will teach her face cane class at Woman Creative in August and Columbus, OH in April. Just in case she didn't have enough going on, Julie took a silversmithing class. Carol Simmons is teaching week long intensive caning class in GA in April and needs an assistant. See Julie if interested.
We will be ordering the Polymer Arts magazine for our guild.
Aliceis new and does big work. She brought us some great samples. She has a history as furniture maker. We are the first polymer clay artists she has ever met. Alice would like to learn transfers. Those can be tricky, so if anyone has a tried and true method for making them both in color or black and white, see Sharon to be put on our demo schedule.
Julie bought copy of the RAM (Racine Art Museum) book for guild and will bring it in after it makes the round of the Charlotte Guild. This contains photos from opening of permanent polymer clay exhibit. Julie also brought chocolate. As if she didn't think we'd let her in without it?
Judy Carroll retired on Jan. 1 and lives in Fletcher. She is really enjoying having time for crafts. She has enjoyed metal clay, and is also a silversmith. HMM – maybe we have enough people who might like to learn silversmithing to pull together a class??
Cheryl, Judy's sister, has also been working with crafts since she was little. She makes stained glass as day job. Judy bought her a Donna Kato book for Christmas, so she is now officially hooked. Both Judy & Cheryl attended our 2-day Christi Freisen class, and we didn't scare them off. They actually came back for more!
Karen has nothing, but loves the enthusiasm about the recent swap. She remembers some of the community activities like Bottles of Hope we have done and would like to see us create finger puppets and larger multi-media puppets to give away to a charity as a guild activity. Thanks for the suggestion!
Pat, our wonderful Librarian, met a pen turner at Asheville gun show in Oct, hence the interest in turning. Please feel free to suggest books or magazines for the library. Her Mom has been crocheting. She brought samples of gorgeous neck pieces to give us all ideas.
Sandra LoCastro made snow cones. She had fun at Christi's workshop.
Sue and Krista are new to the guild. Kristina used to make beaded jewelry.
Christina made some mini cupcakes. She create bracelets from a new technique she found in a book. Christina's work just gets better all the time. She is amazing!
Rhonda made mini pizzas. Her wonderful husband is building her and Christina a workshop so they don't have to work at kitchen table any more. We all agreed that we wanted to be next on the list to borrow him.
Looking around, we had to declare this The most talented room in NC.
Info was requested on smaller craft shows to participate in, and lots of folks had suggestions – too many for me to keep up with .
The Demo started at 1:40 at Maggie's table. Not only did she show us some great sculpting techniques and wow us with her skills, her technique for easily making scales on the mermaid's tail had us all oohing and aahing. Lots of possibilities for using in other work.
All in all, a really great meeting. What else could you expect from the most talented room in NC?
-Bridget, BRPCG Secretary

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