Sunday, September 11, 2011

BRPCG Minutes: August 2011

BRPCG Meeting Minutes August 13, 2011
Sharon opened the meeting with difficulty. There was quite a ruckus going on.  You’d think we hadn’t seen each other in years. She brought some great tins to share.
2 new books: Laurie Mika, Creative Sparks
Bridget needs help finding a space for Dec 3 & 4. The place we had found in Riverview is too small.  We will check libraries community centers.
We need to annoy Sandra about next year’s classes. Start planning early, so we won’t have so much trouble finding a place. Let’s keep it to less popular times of the year, too.
Today’s demo: faux batik by heather Campbell.
Janet Johnson has been busy doing audio description, not clay.
Marilyn Davenport from TN brought a necklace made from metal clay & crystals & wild strawberries. It has 3 real wild strawberries that burned up in the firing process.
Suzanne Ivester from TN brought 3 necklaces made from her demo on IPCA. She and Marilyn made some pieces like today’s demo to show.  At Pete’s suggestion, they went to the bead bead show and brought some treasures to show us. They looked all over at the show, but never saw Pete. Marilyn has a leftover free coupon to share. Suzanne has some dollar-off coupons.
Pete from Bristol VA-TN has a new schedule and will be able to attend more meetings (if not bead shows).  Suzanne& Pete went to the IPCA retreat and had a blast.
Bridget camping
Laurie Prevette from Charlotte is trying to use up things she has made. She loves the figures in shadow boxes  Ann Klocko makes, complete with wonderful costumes. So far Laurie has the  head made for her own.
Maggie drove one of 2 carloads of people from Charlotte, serenaded all the way. She brought examples of her cane from Julie Eakes face can class, which is just gorgeous. Somehow during that class she was renamed Sister Mary Margaret. Maggie been making boxes from Christmas cards for her faeries thanks to Suzanne’s tutorial. She has developed new faerie wings.
Tonya McDonald came over from Fariview.  She left us some of her experiments on Pete’s crap table. Since last meeting she has been working on earrings & pendant.
Note:  Pete left her roving crap collection in a box for us. We can continue to add to and remove items from this box.

Barbara D from Fairview made some finished her mosaic. She did a great job with the silver leaf. It looks like metal. She has Turquoise blue hair today to match her top.
Sharon Solly brought face cane from Julie’s class. Also magnificent. Doing lampwork beads at home in the garage at night, once it cools down. Still learning & experimenting. Think the neighbors wonder about the odd glow?
Tamara hasn’t been to a meeting for a while.  She says it’s good to be back, and we’re glad to have her back.
Cathy from Charlotte cut 13.5 inches of hair off for Locks of Love. Thanks to Cheryl, she’s been working on bezels covered in resin for months now. Cathy joined today as member.
Cheryl from charlotte is hot.
Julie came from Charlotte in the singing car. She brought the examples that were recently featured in Polymer Clay Daily.
Linda from charlotte has lost 30 lbs since she last visited. She was one of the privileged few who attended Julie’s cane class. She’s been doing a second face cane at home. Linda plays bridge, so she’s been using playing cards & transfers in her work.  
Pat has been doing some serious scrapbooking  . She created an 11 lb book of her grandson from age 0 – 5. She had a deadline to finish it by Tuesday so she could give it to her houseguests instead of having to mail it. She’s now starting her next book.  Happy birthday a day late and a dollar short. Also - Happy Birthday to Sharon 10 days ago.  
Christina made photo frame from Sharon’s mosaic demo so she could frame a photo of her cat Tivo.
Rhonda has been canning beans, tomatoes, okra, etc.
Karen has enjoyed reading books all summer.
Somehow we made it through the demo, despite all the helpful comments from our membership. Special thanks to Cheryl for her consultations during the demo.
Sharon had limited success getting responses from the lively crowd on ideas for demos during 2012. She was trying to poll the troops on whether we would like to learn things other than polymer clay. She suggested chain maille and a few other items, but the noise level prevented any coherent responses. Maybe folks could chime in and let Sharon know what they’d like to learn next year?
Barbara reminds everyone that October is just around the corner. We need to be finishing pieces and making new ones for the auction.

-Bridget, BRPCG Secretary

BRPCG Minutes September 2011

BRPCG Minutes 9-10-11
Jim Peacock won a blue ribbon at the fair! On TV last nite – per Barb D.
Congratulations Jim – We miss you.

Amy missed last meeting but Suzanne has great demo. She did an intro to wearable vessels. Kay brought a really gorgeous book as inspiration.

October Clay Day Special Event
– Sharon will bring her light box. We will all bring nice pieces to photograph and put on our guild t-shirt. Anybody who wants to be part of this, please be sure to remember to bring a favorite piece.

Thanks to Suzanne for sending out the supply list early for the demo. That was very helpful.

Barb McGuire wants to remind us that Lindly Huanani is coming Nov 5 to Women Creative. Also Jana Roberts Benzon in December, but it that conflicts with our Christi Freisen Workshop.

Clay Day –Iimpromptu demo & auction. Bring something to work on. April's clay day will be more structured as we have done before. Sharon will bake goodies. Everyone else can bring whatever you food you want to prepare. If we end up with 12 desserts and one protein, nobody will complain.

New Art Jewelry magazine is in. Pat has AC Moore coupona. We'll wait and see what the new magazine looks like before ordering. Suzanne is pisssissised about the new magazine coming out with the online version before those who paid more for the print version got to see it.

Christi Freisen Workshop Dec 3 & 4 – We will bring in food rather than cooking ourselves. Jason's Deli is a suggestion. Members will have until the October meeting to sign up for the workshop. After that, we will open it up to the whole wide world.

2 mos ago Amy & daughters left early and found a dog walking too close to the road. They rescued Scruffy, a male Shizu, who is now a happy member of the family. Like any well-behaved dog, he spins for food and gets along well with their golden retriever.

Kay's foundling cat found a home at her house. He is so happy with his new home that he brought them a gift squirrel.

Present today were Pat, Sharon, Kay, Barb D, Suzanne, Karen, Maggie, Linda, Amy and Bridget.

If you missed the meeting, you missed lots of fun found pet stories! Also updates on other groups in the area devoted to food, mushrooms, pets and more.

Suzanne just found out that Polymer Café will be featuring a column starring Suzanne as the Polymer Chef. Way to go, Suzanne.

Pat is putting together a Munro order. She has posted the info on the Yahoo group.

Clay Day Reminders: Bring something to auction – doesn't have to be an item you made. Anything up to and including the kitchen sink can be auctioned. Don't forget the junk box. Trade in things you don't have a use for and pick up
an item you might use. Bring $$ cash to bid on auction items. If you have a technique or trick or tool you'd like to share with the group, come prepared to do a short demo.
9am – 5pm

Does anybody have the guild's copy of Ancient Modern by Ronna Sarvas Weltman? We can't find it in the library, and it hasn't been checked out.

Mark your calendars for December 3rd and 4th. Christi Freisen will be doing a 2-day workshop for us. It will be at the Carver Center in the Swannanoa - Black Mountain area. The first day's theme will be Winter Wonderland and the second Steampunk.

Happy Birthday Teresa!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 11 Minutes 2011

New Book: Patterns in Polymer by Julie Picarello. Pat is also looking for Dayle Doroshow's Creative Sparks book for us.

Our Christi Friesen Workshop is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, December 3rd and 4th, 2011. The first day will be Winter Wonderland and the second Steampunk. One itty bitty problem. We will most likely fill her maximum class size of 24 and don't have a place to hold the workshop. Any ideas??? PLEASE let us know soon, as spaces fill quickly that time of year.

Lindly Haunani is available to teach on March 24 & 25 2012. She will also be doing a workshop at Barbara McGuire's new space, Woman Creative, on November 5 & 6. We'll need to decide quickly if we want to squeeze into Lindly's calendar.

Barb D passed out new membership lists. Much appreciated! Barb brought in the flip-flops she's made over the last month - she works fast. Looks like a year's worth of work. She also brought in some new perfect pearls colors she picked up at the newly stocked Michaels.

Maggie brought in a herd? pride? gaggle? - anyway, a bunch of dragons to work on. She's got the details down to the toenails. She's got a jade translucent color to them that is eerily realistic.

Bridget brought her dog pins to work on. After many experiments with different transfer papers, turns out the water slide types work best, especially if you have access to an old HP toner copier.

Tonya is back in Buncombe, working on finishes. Like most of us, she's not too crazy about Sculpey gloss. Our generous, sharing group gave her a few tips on things to try to get a less shiny look.

Christy got some good advice on baking on a wooden box, including bake the box first, then bake on SOBO glue or liquid polymer.

Pat & Christina are doing wonderful things using reassembled mosaic canes and a technique from the new Polymer Pizzaz II. Today they're working on the Foiled Again technique.

Pam's attending  a flea market and looking for a sun canopy to use or purchase affordably. She got some help looking on Freecycle and Craig's List.

Christina made a beautiful pair of earrings for Sandra.

Sandra's been cleaning her workshop. Doesn't that sound all too familiar? She mixed her fabric arts and clay arts to produce a covered seam ripper. By the way, Sandra looked absolutely stunning in a red and white polka dot ensemble, featuring the latest Christina created earrings.

Everyone seemed to enjoy a day to work on our projects. We had an idea for days without a demo scheduled. We could work together to do a project from a book. Bring your ideas for something you think would be a good project to work on to the next meeting.

and - proving once again that minutes should be typed immediately after each meeting, not 2 weeks later, is our mystery phrase:  Teresa Seed  Pee Shied People. There has to be a prize for anyone who can translate that mumbo jumbo. I'd promise to do better at getting the minutes out more promptly, but you'd all know I'd by lying.

Thanks, Bridget

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Meeting Update: January 8, 2010

Please note that today's meeting is cancelled due to the wondrous snow event!  So get outside, make yourself a snow-person, or some snow creature as the case may be.  If you throw snowballs please wear the appropriate safety gear ie.  certified safety glasses and or face shield, hard hat, steel-toed shoes and chest plate. 
A little birdy who flew through the torrent of snow and the cascading icicles just told me that the meeting has been rescheduled for Jan 15, 2011. 
So all the cool people will be at Avery Creek Community center on Jan 15, 2011.  Will you?
-blog fae

Meeting Minutes: Nov 12, 2010

BRPCG November Meeting Minutes 2010

Amy had nursing duty, so Sharon called the meeting to order.

Barb announced that we will be holding elections at our next meeting in January for the positions of:

• Vice President
• Treasurer
• Event Coordinator

We are looking for candidates, so anyone who is interested in helping keep the world's best clay guild great, please step up.

Our account has a healthy balance, so it is possible we could have two events next year. We keep discussing who the next teacher to bring in should be. So far our suggestions are:
  •  Heather Campbell
  • Judy Belcher
  • Christi Friessen
  • Kathleen Dustin (May be available in the fall if we act fast!)
Pat needs empty DVD cases for our library – not the small ones for CDs, but the tall ones she can label with full-sized images. Anybody have any to spare, or know of a good location to obtain some affordably?

January is dues month, so bring your checkbooks. For my money, membership is the best bargain going. As a reminder, you must be a member in good standing before a workshop is announced in order to get the member discount. Let's all make it a point to pay up in January so we don't have to waste time on reminders? It's only $25 (with a discount for additional household members) so just Pay so we can Clay!

Pete traveled light so she had plenty of room to take home beads.
Bridget brought back wild tales of a fun weekend at Klew's workshop in Vicksburg, MS. Plus, she opened her big mouth and raved about the goody bags the Central MS Clay Guild had that she volunteered herself into a new job. Get ready to crank up production for our next event, as Bridget starts us on the road to creating truly memorable goody bags.

Maggie shared her haloween masks and some really bizarre fairies. They just don't come much more creative and imaginative than our Maggie. Must be the company she keeps. Cheryl had come zipping by on her motorcycle to drop off her library books so they wouldn't be late.

Teresa was busily working away making leather armour for her troll.

Barb created a golden goblet in true ghetto style. She turned about 50 cents worth of yard sale findings into a work of art.

Jean was busy getting packed up to head to Ft. Lauderdale, but made time to at least drop by and show us the wonderful bracelet and necklace she made from Julie's cane slices. She made a few twists and modifications to come up with a piece that was uniquely hers.

Sharon is a happy camper. Her son is home, and she has a new toy and a new motto, "Have Torch, Will Burn". Seriously, though, she is making beautiful glasswork from the get-go.

Pat finally pulled her head out of the library project and got to work. She made a lovely fall leaf necklace from Julie's technique. Pat had just come back from a trip to Vegas with her mom. While there, her Mom had to show up the kids. While they turned in by 11 each night, Mom was out till all hours, proudly wearing her custom name tag, which announced that her Name was Betty and she was in room XXX. Some nights I could use one of those!

Sharon did a demo based on Christi Freissen's bead-studded creatures to give us ideas and then we did what we'd all come to do: SHOP!

We had brought in Mary Lee's beads for a sale and they were a big hit. Much fun was had poring through the treasures. And we made a few pretty pennies for the guild in the process.

2 Special Offers for anyone going to Cabin Fever. Bridget has herself a new vehicle and will drive if anyone wants to ride along. Or – if anyone wants to fly and doesn't want to lug clay on the plane, she'll even haul supplies. Think about it!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All. See you in January.

-posted by the Blog Fae