Thursday, March 4, 2010

February Meeting Report

Our February meeting report was written by our roving reporter Maggie...tried and true...forever faithful with her qwerty keys.  So without further fuss and adieu:  (okay i editted just a bit...a comma here, a quote there.)

BRPCG's February 2010 meeting was held on Feb. 20th at Avery's Creek Community Center with 8 in attendance, including new member Valerie Halverson, welcome. And welcome back to Lynn after a long absence.  The meeting had been re-scheduled from the 13th due to inclement weather.

The meeting started off with sharing of our sadness at the passing of our friend, fellow guild member and newly elected guild secretary, Mary Lee Forsythe. All of us that knew her will miss her greatly. In a touching gesture Barb D. placed roses where Mary Lee usually sat.

"Generosity of time and spirit - that is what makes a wonderful artist," was said by Amy. The quote is by Judy Belcher from her Milliefiorie Story Cd but it summed up Mary Lee's spirit and attitude as an artist eloquently.

Barb D. received an acknowledgment from the American Heart Association of the $100.00 donation from the guild in Mary Lee's name.

Congratulations to Marilyn D from our Tennessee contingent for her wonderful article and winning challenge entry in Polymer Cafe.

Show and tell and introduction started with Sharon Solly and her exciting news. Donna Kato has contacted her to be one of the teachers on Donna's new on-line site. It is a new type of on-line class thing and still in the works. It consists of many famous teachers in all types of art mediums. Sharon will be teaching her famous fabulous faux lamp work beads and also her mixed media paper techniques. Oh, and she brought her famous copper and clay bracelets like the ones shown on Polymer Clay Daily for show and tell. Way to go girl. You ROCK!

Show and tell continued around the room and with so many talented folks it's hard to list all the wonderful things. Barb D showed us her faux amber necklace and a bracelet that was inspired by a method Mary Lee had shown us.

There were butterfly canes, note pad and pen set, and a heart box to name a few more things. Karen H brought house shaped macaroni, aluminum tags and small vials to share with all.

After show and tell some time was spent checking out all the neat projects.

Then most of us went to work on our own projects. There was a lot of sharing of methods, general socializing and some wandering around as usual. Barb D. and Maggie even discovered that they both had the same inspiration to do beads from a National Geographic article with photos of grains of pollen. We will have to see how that turns out! Funny how polymerclayers see the world as something to cover with or imitate in clay!

Next meeting Sharon will demonstrate how she makes her little box house Beads.

If I have left anything out or gotten something wrong please let me know.

Submitted By Temporary volunteer report writer,

Happy times, sad times, successes and failures, pieces that plaque and pieces that dont.  That about sums it up.....
-blog fairy