Saturday, February 13, 2010

Update to February Meeting

Due to all this white stuff (who ordered this stuff anyway?  we already had a batch on the ground..) we had to cancel our regularly scheduled February meeting.  That would be Feb 13th for those of you who are not paying attention.  But...our ever diligent officers have been able to reschedule our meeting for the following Saturday, February 20th, for those of you who calendar challenged (er..not me!) and it will be at the regular time of 12 noon-ish to 4pm-ish.  So come as you are and bring cool stuff you have been working on...
-Blog Fairy

Friday, February 5, 2010

Business for February 13, 2010 Meeting

According to our newly minted pres Amy:

In memory of Mary Lee and as we currently have no demo planned for February, the meeting will probably be rather low-key.  Perhaps a forum type to discuss information or to talk about our work, tips, issues etc.  Although I am certain there will be many show-n-tells to see about and fuss over as there always is.  This might also be a good time for our newbies (or noobs) to give us an idea of what they might like to see over the year in demos. Sometimes we forget how scary that first skinner blend can be and a bit of experienced instruction might go a long way.  Or perhaps ..if there are other ideas floating around out there you can weigh in on the yahoogroup. 

Of a more serious business note, now that our secretary position is vacant, we have need to fill that position.  I, for one, vote for Maggie as she has not held the position in some time and she was the fill-in for that office.  So, I think, now is time for her to fill in.

-teresa, guild member (and the only one with the blog password right now)

In Memory: Mary Lee Forsythe

In Memory
Mary Lee Forsythe

We grieve the passing of our beloved member Mary Lee and extend our condolences to her family and friends. We mourn together for the loss of our dear friend and miss her bright smile, kind words, and generous heart. If the workings of an artists hands are a reflection of the spirit within, then we should feel so honored that we were able to witness a truly joyous, gentle soul through the beautiful creations that she made and shared with us. We always knew her work was fit for the angels. - BRPCG 27Jan10

"Mary Lee, I know wherever you are, you are reading this. There's no way a little thing like death could stop you. There's just too much artistic talent to be wasted. We've always enjoyed your positive approach to everything, your wonderful sense of humor, and just the great bundle of energy that was you. There's no measurement for the number of ways you've enriched our lives, and certainly not a prayer of ever conveying how much you will be missed. You can be assured that your memory will always live on in our guild. I doubt if we'll be able to do a single thing without it reminding us of you. We will treasure our memories of you forever." -Bridget, Guild Member

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

January Meeting Report

As submitted by Mary Lee Forsythe 20Jan10

BRPCG's first meeting of 2010 was held on Jan 9th at Avery's Creek Community Center with 15 in attendance, including our special little guest "Chloe" !

Business items discussed and/or handled were:

* Member dues at $25.00 per individual for 2010 are due this month.

* Items for the North Asheville Library Display were collected and will be delivered to the library by Teresa Haynes and Barb Dolcimascolo before the end of January. If by chance, you have any other items for display and they have not yet taken our objects to the library, please contact Teresa or Barb for arrangements and time frames.

* Barb Verni-Lau will be absent (physically only) during upcoming months for some personal family obligations. We will miss her terribly and while she will "help as needed by long distance", Sandra LoCastro has graciously volunteered to assume Barb's responsibilities as Events Co-Ordinator. As such, Sandra will be completing the arrangements for the Kathleen Dustin workshop to be held at Avery's Creek Community Center on 3-27/28-2010.

* Following officers were elected for the upcoming 2 year terms: President - Amy Sharp, Secretary - Mary Lee Forsythe, Librarian - Pat Gentilella. Other officers will remain in place for the second year of their term: Vice President - Sharon Solly, Treasurer - Barb Dolcimascolo.

* We also discussed and are in general agreement with suggested Internet changes for the Guild. Tentatively planned are - Website will be maintained as "basic reference site" (good term, Teresa?) and a Guild Blog will be set up as the primary information and communication site, as well as maintaining the Yahoo Group Site.

Despite the Holidays, some of us were very busy during the 2 months absence (lo-o-o-ng time)from Guild meetings. Julie Eakes brought a 5x8" thick slice of her "extruded cane Face Cane" (Sorry Julie - Thought it was the best way to describe without a picture) which has not only been on her blog, but on Polymer Clay Daily - Absolutely fantastic art !

Sharon Solly displayed her increasing skills and production with copper jewelry - Oh, so lovely !

We had dragons, forest imps, rocks, a snowman and many beads and jewelry - What a talented group we are !!

After Show&Tell and a short break to get closer looks at all of the projects, Sharon Solly presented a demo on the "Monet Cane", as shown by Mia Rox on pcpolyzine web site. The use of tinted translucent clay was very effective and looked like Monet watercolors. Thanks Sharon for an informative demo and a beautiful cane.The next Guild meeting will be on February 13th at ACCC. Mary Lee will present a demo on "Geometric Patterned Fabric Inspirations". Altho' we did not state a formal challenge, let's see what you have done with the "Monet Cane". As this is my initial report as "Madame Secretary", please feel free to serve as my "Editors". Please let me know if I missed anything or mispelled anyone's name - for which I apologize in advance !