Thursday, June 17, 2010

Meeting Report: June 12, 2010

There seems to be some confusion that I might have to make a bird house....however, I am wondering what tiny piece of Florida has frozen over that this has come to pass....? hum.  Well we will have to see 'bout that.

I might be willing to make a house for a tiny fae or a sprite or some other elemental that might be creeping about the yard...

Now to Bridget, punctuator de excellence.

What a Crowd! From all directions of the compass: VA, TN, SC & Charlotte. This is starting to resemble a Gypsy Caravan – Have Clay, Will Travel!

(Hmmmm > maybe we need to rent a bus and go on a road trip)

Back to reality . . . the good news is: our oven may be OK. We checked it with the good thermometers, and we're right at 275. Still . . . as all good clayers know, baking on tiles is the best way to keep your clay curing evenly.

Today's Demo was presented by the world's most tolerant instructor – the one and only Sharon Solly. We're all thanking our lucky stars that raising four children has prepared her to put up with anything and everything – and boy, did she get it! She was heckled, interrupted, outstaged, and overwhelmed, but still she forged on. Not one but two demos were completed! Even the slacker secretary completed a simple sounding but tricky U-Cane. Others made dazzling faux bezels. The overachievers did both.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the world's greatest librarian pulled off a mind-boggling feat. Not only did she reorganize and catalog all the new books in the library (Gifts of the ever-gracious Glenn Forsyth), she also color –coded them!

Green is for Clay

Orange is for Wire

Pink is for ???? Elephants? Rats!! I missed that part!

As if she didn't already have plenty to do, Pat took home all the Polymer Clay magazines to re-work. Wonder what color scheme they'll end up? Plaid or Polka Dot?

But Seriously Folks – We're talking about MONEY here. A reminder of the Fees:

$3 to rent a video
$2 fee for each month late
$3 if it's a video

SOOOO – If you can't make a meeting and are going to be late, you can mail your library items to Pat. She's putting her address in with every item, just to make it easy for us. We are getting so spoilt, Pat! You treat us way better than we deserve. I even heard a rumor that you've got the whole library catalog on your computer!

So, what can we do to show our appreciation? How about if we return all our library items at the beginning of each meeting so they will be available for other members to check out. That way Pat can have an easier time keeping track of what's coming and going.

Here's all the action that went on between meetings:

Bridget mucked out her workshop and found, among the items that came back from the Library Display: two of Mary Lee's creations. They will be among the many great treasures we're already starting to collect for the auction on Clay Day.

Suzanne brought her entire living room. (It did shrink a little)

Marilyn brought that great necklace from the Polymer Café and promised to come back and teach us how to do it, too. Maybe in August? Check your calendar, Marylin.

Tonya put her kaleidoscope cane on You Tube.

Amy had her first experience with Kato – crack – sizzle – fizz. Guess it takes some getting used to!

Amerie is making PC cabochons & taking a soldering class.

Maggie brought Julie & Cheryl.

Sheryl with an S sold a necklace.

Cheryl with a C came with Maggie & Julie.

Julie was fresh from a workshop where she hobbed and nobbed with the fabulous fingers of clay – Lindly Huanani, Melanie West, Laurie Profiter, etc. I think they must have all gone home 10 pounds lighter, `cause Julie had all their jewelery.

For all of you who have been patiently waiting for Julie's book, get used to it. It's now doubled in size and lead time.

Get out your little black dresses. Christina's making black and white necklaces that will be the envy of everyone else at the party.

For all the great company old and new that I didn't scribble fast enough to record – my apologies. Say something crazy next time to get my attention and I'll give you lots of room to crow.

And now for something completely different:

Remember all the really outstanding demos by talented instructors we've had lately?

Next month we're going to change all that. It's time to give the rookies a chance.

Just to prove that everyone has something to share, we'll be conducting a socialogical experiment. We're going to let yours truly – secretary Bridget – try to demonstrate how entertaining a demo can be when presented by a mere mortal (i.e. not a big name polymerista!)

We will all (Yes, even you, Teresa) be making itty bitty bird houses. Teresa, we may need your help for the itty bitty birds. Supply lists to follow when I get my act together.

But, before we go: Remember the Challenge: SOMETHING PATRIOTIC. What does that mean? Well, I don't know. If I did, it wouldn't be a Challenge!

Clay Anyway!


posted June 17 by the blog fae

Meeting Report: May 15, 2010

Flitting about the summer gardens, and I, the Blog Fae, have been all amiss with managing the posts.  But today, the rain has sogged my wings and I thing a good time to catch up with this sort of thing...

The oven dilemma. Hmmm. The oven seemed to spike quite a bit during Kathleen Dustin's class. Should we buy a new one, or get a good thermometer and monitor it for a while? Let's do that. Meanwhile, if anyone sees a good convection oven on sale, let us know.

Maggie brought exciting news. Julie is having a 2-day Face Cane Class in Charlotte. It's a good thing I didn't get these minutes typed promptly! Since the meeting Cheryl has to have knee surgery and the class is being delayed. New time TBA. Cheryl – have a smooth event and a speedy recovery! For those who like to prepare, Julie always uses Kato clay, so start your conditioning early. Now might not bee too soon!

Lots of books are being added to the library, courtesy of Mary Lee's husband Glenn, who donated her wonderful collection. Pat is cataloging bit by bit as she gets the time, so we should have new surprises every month for a while.

Welcome back old friend! Christy Ray Buck from days of old returned, bringing two friends along as a treat.

Suzanne came `round the mountain! The road is open again and we were glad to see her. After a grueling attempt, Suzanne realized maybe she wasn't quite ready for the wholesale jewelery business, but she did bring some beautiful work. What she didn't bring with her was Marilyn. Somebody was off shaggin' in Myrtle Beach.

Commercial Pause: Did you know that members can bring in stuff to sell if they give 10% of the proceeds to the guild? Well, I didn't. Guess I need to study the by-laws more closely. We did have a tablefull of great stuff on sale – and it wasn't even Clay Day. Just goes to show – there's never a bad day to show up at a guild meeting.

Back to our regularly scheduled program – Barb D brought greetings from Barb VL. OK folks – all at once now, Hey Barb! She did a stupendous demo on basic beads. We all (well except Teresa) had fun trying new bead ideas. Suzanne jumped right in there and showed us how to melt plastic onion bags into beads. Strange! Barb also brought her prized gem – a 25 cent ring she gussied up with PC.

Teresa wowed us all with Dandy Lion, her creation from the Wendy Froud workshop. She also came away with the grand prize – a foot made by Wendy herself. Wish I had gotten a picture of that Dandy Lion character. Sure hope he comes back to visit again soon. He was the best! I think I've developed quite a crush.

Christina made 2 pins after seeing Maggie's demos. Pat brought lots & lots of pens, plus some of her Mom's quilt work.

Last but not least was some good reading. Barb brought us copies of Sandra's article on polymer clay from the Town Crier plus a copy of Tamara's article on TBI from the Citizen Times.

The June meeting is only 10 days away. We're back to the 2nd Saturday of the month, so don't get confused. We want to see everybody there!

-In case anyone might forget, that was written by guild secretary Bridget, who in her creative fervour forgot to sign this one...
the blog fae