Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 11 Minutes 2011

New Book: Patterns in Polymer by Julie Picarello. Pat is also looking for Dayle Doroshow's Creative Sparks book for us.

Our Christi Friesen Workshop is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, December 3rd and 4th, 2011. The first day will be Winter Wonderland and the second Steampunk. One itty bitty problem. We will most likely fill her maximum class size of 24 and don't have a place to hold the workshop. Any ideas??? PLEASE let us know soon, as spaces fill quickly that time of year.

Lindly Haunani is available to teach on March 24 & 25 2012. She will also be doing a workshop at Barbara McGuire's new space, Woman Creative, on November 5 & 6. We'll need to decide quickly if we want to squeeze into Lindly's calendar.

Barb D passed out new membership lists. Much appreciated! Barb brought in the flip-flops she's made over the last month - she works fast. Looks like a year's worth of work. She also brought in some new perfect pearls colors she picked up at the newly stocked Michaels.

Maggie brought in a herd? pride? gaggle? - anyway, a bunch of dragons to work on. She's got the details down to the toenails. She's got a jade translucent color to them that is eerily realistic.

Bridget brought her dog pins to work on. After many experiments with different transfer papers, turns out the water slide types work best, especially if you have access to an old HP toner copier.

Tonya is back in Buncombe, working on finishes. Like most of us, she's not too crazy about Sculpey gloss. Our generous, sharing group gave her a few tips on things to try to get a less shiny look.

Christy got some good advice on baking on a wooden box, including bake the box first, then bake on SOBO glue or liquid polymer.

Pat & Christina are doing wonderful things using reassembled mosaic canes and a technique from the new Polymer Pizzaz II. Today they're working on the Foiled Again technique.

Pam's attending  a flea market and looking for a sun canopy to use or purchase affordably. She got some help looking on Freecycle and Craig's List.

Christina made a beautiful pair of earrings for Sandra.

Sandra's been cleaning her workshop. Doesn't that sound all too familiar? She mixed her fabric arts and clay arts to produce a covered seam ripper. By the way, Sandra looked absolutely stunning in a red and white polka dot ensemble, featuring the latest Christina created earrings.

Everyone seemed to enjoy a day to work on our projects. We had an idea for days without a demo scheduled. We could work together to do a project from a book. Bring your ideas for something you think would be a good project to work on to the next meeting.

and - proving once again that minutes should be typed immediately after each meeting, not 2 weeks later, is our mystery phrase:  Teresa Seed  Pee Shied People. There has to be a prize for anyone who can translate that mumbo jumbo. I'd promise to do better at getting the minutes out more promptly, but you'd all know I'd by lying.

Thanks, Bridget